Your baby’s placenta contains your own natural hormones and
is perfectly made for you!
I was a little apprehensive at first too...okay, a lot apprehensive! Who in the world does this!? Well, after research and talking it over with other mothers who encapsulated their baby's placenta, I decided to try it. And I'm so glad I did!! I had a wonderful postpartum and I truly believe the pills are to thank for it. I'm now the biggest advocate for Placentophagy. I encourage you to do your research and ask around, you'll be surprised by the number of women who believe in this!
What are the benefits:
Balance your hormones
Your body just went through the biggest hormonal change it will ever undergo in life!
Replenish depleted iron
You lose a lot of blood during childbirth, resulting in low iron. The placenta is full of iron!
Increased Energy
By replenishing your iron levels, your energy levels increase
Increase milk production
It’s been studied that consuming the placenta increases mother’s milk supply
Happier Postpartum Period
Balancing your system, increasing your iron levels and having more energy ultimately help to avoid the “baby blues”
Many moms who have had the blues with other pregnancies and have taken the placenta capsules with subsequent pregnancies, have stated how much better of a postpartum experience they had.
What’s Included:
Your placenta capsules in an airtight, dark jar for optimum freshness and potency
Dosing guidelines
Your baby's dehydrated umbilical cord to keep as a keepsake
Pickup and delivery of your placenta and final product
As a Placenta Encapsulation Specialist (PES) I must adhere to strict guidelines for safely preparing placentas. I follow all OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Standard), EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), and CDC (Center for Disease Control) guidelines.
Add-on Options Below:

A liquid concentrate form of placenta using high-grade alcohol. Ready in 6 weeks to be used after your pills are gone to extend the benefits past the initial postpartum period.

$35 with frame
$25 without frame
This is a print of your baby's placenta on watercolor paper. This can be done with all natural food coloring to add vibrant colors to the print, or a simple blood print is available upon request.

A one-of-a-kind keepsake of your baby's placenta print, dehydrated umbilical cord and personalized with your baby's name, showcased in a shadowbox for a beautiful display.
Client Testimonials

I have been enjoying the positive effects of the placenta tincture during my returned cycles.

Thank you for the pills.. Definitely more mentally clear and more energy!

Thank you! The pills helped my mood and I'm looking forward to taking the tincture when I return to work.